Project Management
Whether yours is a large project with many tools and processes or a simple single product we ensure that it is carefully managed.
Small projects are managed using simple tools while larger projects are managed using appropriate project management tools.
We understand the importance of meeting commitments and helping you to achieve your targets so we place a lot of emphasis on getting the plan right from the outset and following it strictly. Variations to the plan are reviewed to determine the effect and if it is likely to affect the outcome, we work with you to minimize the impact.
Where possible, we plan automation processes when preparing the quotation so when the project is awarded to us it is a simple matter of bringing out the plan, getting the team together for a review and putting the plan into action.
Jigs, fixtures, preparation for post molding processes, polymers for molding, packaging materials and anything else that is required for production are included in the plan and ordered, manufactured or prepared well before the tool is ready for trial.
In the case of large projects, a team is created as soon as the order for tooling is received. The team includes members from tooling, production, quality, automation, administration and senior management. Regular meetings are held to review progress and customers are provided with regular updates.
Security of Intellectual Property
We understand the importance of protecting customer’s intellectual property which is underpinned by the signing of a non disclosure agreement (NDA).
Where necessary we limit access to the project to only those people that need to know with others being brought into the project when and as required.
For high security projects we minimize paper documentation and wherever possible keep only soft copy. We maintain secure access to files with access only to authorised people. There are no water cooler discussions and all discussions are behind closed doors.
As new members are introduced to the project team they are briefed on the requirements of the NDA and given access to the project folder.
Contractors are required to sign an equivalent NDA and to conform with the same strict security protocols.
We treat the security IP very seriously.
We don’t leak.